Extra ChangeHED drumheads and tuning rims
Here you can find an overview of the available ChangeHED drumheads and tuning frames.
All info about the ChangeHED drumhead holding system can be found HERE!
More info about the individual drumheads can be found HERE!
More info about the isolatHED tuning technology can be found HERE!
More info about the different tuning frames can be found HERE!
Interchangeable drum heads:
Synthetic skin, transparent, taped, nylon ribbon, no nails
130 EUR (incl. VAT)Synthetic skin REMO SKYNTONE®, taped, nylon ribbon, no nails
130 EUR (incl. 19% VAT)EdlauerSelect goat skin, taped, with deco ribbon.
from 130 EUR (incl. VAT) Deco nails + 20 EUR.DRAGONSkin®, goat skin taped, with deco ribbon.
150 EUR (incl. VAT) Deco nails + 20 EUR.GOAK, taped, with deco ribbon.
170 EUR (incl. VAT) Deco nails + 20 EUR.DRAGONSkin® deer, taped, with deco nails.
170 EUR (incl. VAT) Deco nails + 20 EUR.Lambeg skin, RWE quality, genuine from the North of Ireland, taped with deco ribbon.
150 EUR (incl. VAT) Deco nails + 20 EUR.Kangaroo skin by Kentville drums, Australia, taped, with deco ribbon.
150 EUR (incl. VAT) Deco nails + 20 EUR.TwinSkin, taped, with deco ribbon.
from 220 EUR (incl. VAT) Deco nails + 20 EUR.Mesh/trigger head (for quiet, but authentic practice purpose) with deco ribbon.
110 EUR (incl. VAT)Skin holding frame without skin
30 EUR (incl. VAT)
Extra tuning rims:
Universal comfort profile with leather-covered bearing edge, isolatHED, black, natural finish:
85 EUR (incl. VAT)
(included in MOS2 delivery scope!)Comfort profile without leather covering, isolatHED, dark brown, natural finish. (only suitable for harder, stiffer skins):
75 EUR (incl. VAT)Compressor tuning rim, isolatHED, solid black varnished, thin leather covering on bearing edge:
120 EUR (incl. VAT)Special tuning rim for synthetic skins with cotton-covered bearing edge, isolatHED, red, natural finish:
85 EUR (incl. VAT)"Bassmonster" tuning rim, thick soft leather-covered bearing edge, larger rounded profile interior, isolatHED, dark brown, natural finish:
85 EUR (incl. VAT)Custom-made profile:
from 120 EUR (incl. VAT)